Wednesday, October 29, 2008

If You Say Go

Tonight I was very moved by a video that was shared at our leadership meeting. The video was about five missionary families who moved to Ecuador to evangelize to the Quichua Indians and eventually the dangerous Huaorani Indians in the1950s. Some of you may know the story.
The men Jim Elliott, Ed_McCully, Roger Youderian, Pete Fleming, and Nate Saint made contact from their airplane with the Huaorani Indians using a loudspeaker and a basket to pass down gifts. After several months, the men decided to build a base a short distance from the Indian village, along the Curaray River. There they were approached one time by a small group of Huaorani Indians and even gave an airplane ride to one curious Huaorani whom they called "George". Encouraged by these friendly encounters, they began plans to visit the Huaorani,without knowing that George had lied to the others but their plans were preempted by the arrival of a larger group of 10 Huaorani men, who killed the five missionaries on January 8 1956. Many years later with the work of the families of these missionaries ,the Huaorani Indians would come to know Jesus.
It's an amazing story. They've made 2 movies of it which you can rent....Documentary: Beyond the Gates of Splendor and a film entitled End of the Spear.

Last summer before coming to England, I was at training in North Carolina and we watched a video about the lives of these missionaries and the story of the Huaorani Indians. It was very moving. Tonight I was reminded of what I had seen last summer. But more importantly I was reminded of the reason why I am in England. I was reminded of the calling God has placed on my life.
And tonight I cry to Jesus, "Where you say go, I will go. I will step onto the water and fix my eyes on you. May that always be my hearts desire to follow you, to proclaim your name. To love you with my whole being and to love the people of this world."

I pray that you too will be inspired by watching this video. It brings me to tears each time I watch it, and that's a good thing :)

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose. -Jim Elliott

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